From the Director’s Desk: Is Food Art, A National Inquiry

About 11 months ago, William Deresiewicz did SoFAB a big favor. He wrote an op ed piece for the New York Times entitled “A Matter of Taste” in which he rather boldly asserted that food was not and could not be art. The SoFAB Institute has been asking that question in cities across the U.S. Continue reading

Can Food Be Art?

In his New York Times Op-Ed piece, William Deresiewicz has fallen into the fallacy of attacking a straw man – that the current interest in food is to blame for a lack of interest in the other arts. He claims that food is not art. He says that an apple is not a story. With this assertion, I agree. He says that a curry, regardless of how and why it is made, is not an idea. I disagree with this statement.

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