Confessions of a Recipe Hoarder: Food Intolerance, Milk, and Genetic Variants in Proteins

SHARON ONA Are you tired, run-down, listless? Do you poop out at parties? The answer to all your problems may lie with the type of milk you are drinking. Food intolerances in the United States are on the rise, and an increasing number of people are avoiding one of the biggest offenders: dairy. While many … Continue reading

Confessions of a Recipe Hoarder: Midnight Soup

For years I thought midnight soup was a term coined on the spot by my New Year’s cohorts as we enjoyed the night’s festivities over bowls of rich, hearty, satisfying, soul-warming soup. Later, I learned that midnight soup, or mitternachtssuppe, is traditionally served on New Year’s Eve in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to fuel hungry partygoers through the evening. Its restorative properties satiate guests on a cold winter’s night and counter the effects of the generous flow of alcohol that comes with the territory at such events. Continue reading

Hunger, Food Insecurity, and Tuscan Kale Soup

My robustly flavored lunches emitted a certain odor that elicited a few crinkled noses and dubious comments from my classmates. I was painfully aware of my pb&j deficiency, but was always consoled after taking the first bite of unctuous meat or crunching on the sweetest carrots at the lunch table. Hunger was never a concern. I was lucky. When it came to food, I wanted for nothing.

Varying degrees of food insecurity and hunger impact a vast number of people in the United States and the youngest victims experience some of the most profound and lasting effects of food insecurity, both physical and cognitive. Continue reading