Picnics, Cookouts, and Eating on the Stoop | Where the Bagel Meets the Biscuit

Picnics, Cookouts, and Eating on the Stoop | Where the Bagel Meets the Biscuit

BRIAN ADORNETTO is a food writer, professional chef, and culinary instructor. For more information, please visit http://www.loveatfirstbite.net. You can contact Brian at loveat1stbite@msn.com. Every May and June, Southern magazines are bursting with picnic recipes and tips. Each article portrays Rockwellian scenes of either immaculately manicured lawns, blossoming trees, and tables set with colorful linen, silverware, … Continue reading

Celebrating Spring with Strawberries | Where the Bagel Meets the Biscuit

Celebrating Spring with Strawberries | Where the Bagel Meets the Biscuit

I knew that when this brutal winter finally showed signs of waning, I would celebrate with an exciting new strawberry recipe. I resolved not to bury the strawberries in shortbread and whipped cream, coat them in chocolate, puree them into smoothies and daiquiris, or bake them into cakes, muffins, crisps, or pies. I would also resist the urge to bottle spring by making preserves, sauces, or jams, as they had offered me little solace this winter. Instead, I wanted something fresh, cheerful, and fun that would not mask the brilliance of the strawberry. Continue reading

The Mason Jar: Napoléon, a Penniless Inventor, + Five Brothers From Upstate New York

BRIAN ADORNETTO Until I moved to the South, not only had I never met anyone who “canned,” but I also never knew the term had anything to do with to preserving. In fact, I had always thought of it as more of a “country” or Southern undertaking. However, since moving here, I‘ve become exponentially more … Continue reading

Mayonnaise: The divisive yet not so difficult to make condiment

Mayonnaise: The divisive yet not so difficult to make condiment

Brian Adornetto The mere mention of mayonnaise can trigger a strong response and, sometimes, incite intense arguments. First, come the haters. “Mayonnaise smells disgusting!” “I can’t stand the mouth feel!” It’s “slimy,” “gloppy,” or “gross-looking!” To those curmudgeons, I merely say to each his or her own. Now, I would like to speak to my … Continue reading