Confessions of a Recipe Hoarder: Midnight Soup

For years I thought midnight soup was a term coined on the spot by my New Year’s cohorts as we enjoyed the night’s festivities over bowls of rich, hearty, satisfying, soul-warming soup. Later, I learned that midnight soup, or mitternachtssuppe, is traditionally served on New Year’s Eve in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to fuel hungry partygoers through the evening. Its restorative properties satiate guests on a cold winter’s night and counter the effects of the generous flow of alcohol that comes with the territory at such events. Continue reading

Appalachia: Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy this year, if you don’t count much of October and several days in July. Thank you for the goodies you brought me last year, and for fulfilling nearly every request on my list. I understand that certain things are beyond your control, and as far as actress Kat Dennings is concerned, I realize there’s a fine line between “gifting” and “kidnapping.” Continue reading

Cooking with Children: Making Gingerbread Houses

Making gingerbread houses is a glorious thing to do during the holidays. And the idea of doing it with children is also very appealing. The big problem with actually making a gingerbread house with children and dreaming about making a gingerbread house with children is that actually making a gingerbread house with children can be frustrating, as well as result in a house that looks like children made it. We should admit that unless children just watch you make the house, it will very likely not be very decorative. Continue reading