Kolache Evolution: Sweet Memories (Final Part)

Kolache Evolution: Sweet Memories (Final Part)

STEF SHAPIRA For those living in Central Texas, kolaches are a part of every day life. Whether they stop to get kolaches on family road trips, eat them fresh out of the box with junior-high-school friends the morning after a slumber party, or bring a fresh dozen to the office to share with co-workers, kolaches … Continue reading

Kolache Evolution: The Ethnogenesis of the Kolache (Part 2)

Kolache Evolution: The Ethnogenesis of the Kolache (Part 2)

The Kolache Factory, the largest specialty kolache franchise in the world, which is based out of Texas, serves fusion kolaches such as Chicken Enchilada (further Mexican influence), BBQ Beef (an homage to Texas cattle), and pecan pie (a common Southern food and the pecan is Texas state tree). Kolaches went from being a traditional Czech dessert to a product of the American melting pot. Continue reading