Perre’s Sugar Cake with Blueberry Basil Compote

Perre’s Sugar Cake with Blueberry Basil Compote

I was first drawn to this recipe, because, well, who could resist something called sugar cake? It reminds me of the great classic song “Tea for Two”, the Ella Fitzgerald version is on my kitchen playlist. “Day will break and I will wake, and start to bake a sugar cake, for you to take for all the boys to see.” Recipes for Sugar Cake are scattered through community cookbooks, mostly a version called Moravian Sugar Cake, which involves yeast. But I came across this simple version and had to try it. It is dense and tender and beautifully yellow, with that thick, chewy crust so perfect on a moist loaf cake. I sprinkle the top with sugar to create a crackly sweet bite. Continue reading

Celebrating Spring with Strawberries | Where the Bagel Meets the Biscuit

Celebrating Spring with Strawberries | Where the Bagel Meets the Biscuit

I knew that when this brutal winter finally showed signs of waning, I would celebrate with an exciting new strawberry recipe. I resolved not to bury the strawberries in shortbread and whipped cream, coat them in chocolate, puree them into smoothies and daiquiris, or bake them into cakes, muffins, crisps, or pies. I would also resist the urge to bottle spring by making preserves, sauces, or jams, as they had offered me little solace this winter. Instead, I wanted something fresh, cheerful, and fun that would not mask the brilliance of the strawberry. Continue reading

Nealy’s Go To Buttermilk Cake

Nealy’s Go To Buttermilk Cake

Courtesy Nealy Frentz, Lola’s Restaurant in Covington, Louisiana, and Louisiana Cookin’ Magazine MAKES 8 SERVINGS 1 cup shortening 2 cups sugar 4 eggs 
3 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice Pre … Continue reading