You Never Know | Fiction by Jeff Fitzgerald

  JEFF FITZGERALD The coming of Fall in Branscomb’s Mill, Virginia, meant many things to those of us who’d spent most of our lives nestled in the idyllic little town nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It meant the return of our beloved high school football season, it meant the changing of the leaves that … Continue reading

Extraordinary Dairy: What you Might Not Have Known About Lactose Intolerance

Do you know anyone who is lactose intolerant? Chances are, you probably do! That’s because most people are at least slightly lactose intolerant, or may become so with age. But what exactly is lactose intolerance, and why does it seem to affect everyone differently? To find the answer, we can take a look into our genetic makeup and evolutionary history. But first, lets learn a little more about what lactose is and how it interacts with out body. Continue reading

On Our Bookshelf: But Mama Always Put Vodka in Her Sangria

Maybe it’s the memory of a bus ride west on Highway 82 through the Mississippi Delta one fall evening several years ago that makes Julia Reed’s book so endearing for me. As we headed toward the Mississippi River town of Greenville for a tamale and steak dinner at Doe’s Eat Place on a food-filled field trip with members of the Southern Foodways Alliance, Julia Reed told stories. Continue reading