Perre’s Make-Ahead Gravy for Your Turkey

Perre Coleman Magness Gravy is essential to a Thanksgiving turkey, but only if it is good gravy.  And what makes gravy good is delicious drippings from a beautifully roasted bird. Many gravy methods involve making it right in the pan the turkey was cooked in, to scrape up all the bits and juices.  And that’s … Continue reading

Turkey Bone Gumbo

For my taste there is only one reason to eat turkey on Thanksgiving and that is the opportunity to have a turkey carcass and leftovers for making Turkey Bone Gumbo. I always make too much gravy, vegetables and dressing so that these are planned leftovers. Continue reading

Perre’s Bacon-Blanketed, Herb Roasted Turkey

This is the turkey. I’ve been perfecting this for many years now. I must say, it is a showstopper, and delicious to boot, because I treat it well. I send my turkey to a bacon spa. It gets a salt scrub, a bacon butter deep tissue massage, a hand-woven bacon spa robe, some time in the sauna and a little tanning to finish it off.

I’ve got a set of instructions here, more than a recipe, but this way there is enough detail to produce a beautiful bird. Continue reading